Jason Buttler

Jason Buttler

I'm Jason Buttler, a Software Engineering graduate at the Stanford Universsity. Technology is something I am very fond of. It all started when my mother bought me a computer for my 9th birthday. Since then, my passion and curiosity about the world of technology kept on increasing. That's the very reason I changed my ambition from being a doctor to software engineer, when I was 10 years old. Those days, the internet facilities were very lacking, not to mention poor internet speed. Thus, the only source of information n the tech world for me was various magazines that were issued weekly. I would save the pocket money my mother gives me and buy these magazines and to date, I have a collection of these magazines I used to read. When growing up, internet facilities got deve;oped and made it easier for me to access the latest information. So I could learn various programming languages on the internet to enrich myself. One more thing, I am passionate about is writing. I love writing, I really do. That's the very reason I decided to start this blog. I do extensive research before I publish content. I always try to make sure I publish the content of highest quality. So I invite you to join me on this journey !

9 Best Wedding Planning Websites In 2022

In recent years, so much has changed technologically that it might be difficult for wedding planning websites to keep up. However, some fresh and not-so-new wedding planning websites have emerged and resurfaced with designs and tools that are considerably cooler…

7 Most Useful Robots for Restaurants

Robots in restaurants

Robots are beginning to dominate the service sector, completing tasks in many ways more economically and efficiently than their human counterparts. There are a wide variety of robots in restaurants from cocktail-making to burger-flipping. An increasing number of restaurants are…

4 Best Alternatives to Twitter

Alternatives for twitter

If you’re looking to leave Twitter, you may still desire another social media platform to suit your tweeting and meme needs. And you may find it tough to locate an alternative app or site (among the many that are out…