Category Life Style

Robotic surgery systems

4 Best Robotic Surgery Systems

Precision, accuracy, and reproducibility are the hallmarks of robotic surgery systems, which can help surgeons and enhance patient outcomes. Although the term “robotic surgery” is commonly seen as a robot doing the treatment without human intervention, this is not always…

9 Best Wedding Planning Websites In 2022

In recent years, so much has changed technologically that it might be difficult for wedding planning websites to keep up. However, some fresh and not-so-new wedding planning websites have emerged and resurfaced with designs and tools that are considerably cooler…

Robots in restaurants

7 Most Useful Robots for Restaurants

Robots are beginning to dominate the service sector, completing tasks in many ways more economically and efficiently than their human counterparts. There are a wide variety of robots in restaurants from cocktail-making to burger-flipping. An increasing number of restaurants are…